Training Programme on Regenerative Medicine (TPRM)

Instructions to the Scholars

The Training Program in Regenerative Medicine (TPRM) is a web-based training program consisting of approximately 30 lectures webcasted live from University of Toronto Campus,Canada to Nichi-In Centre for Regenerative Medicine(NCRM) campus in Chennai, India. The TPRM program is not accredited by any recognized accrediting agency or University in India including the Medical Council of India (MCI).

Scholars enrolled in this program through NCRM are required to attend the lectures at the NCRM campus, Chennai and 100% attendance is mandatory. There will be three exams and the scholars are required to score a minimum of 80% in each exam for successful completion of the course and to receive a certificate. If the scholars are absent for more than two consecutive lectures, further continuation in the TPRM programme will not be entertained.

As English is the primary language of instruction and communication at the University of Toronto, applicants must demonstrate an adequate level of proficiency in English, regardless of their citizenship status or country of origin. Applicants from Universities outside Canada where English is not the primary language of instruction must provide results of an English language Proficiency Examination as part of their application to TPRM. Tests must have been takem in the last 24 months at the time of submission of their application.

Once you enroll, you will be sent an intimation message and your application will be forwarded to the scrutinizing committee. Upon selection by the scrutinizing committe, you may be called for an Interview which will be intimated by email.

Please be informed that enrolling is not the final decision on acceptance or selection of your candidature for the TPRM Programme.

Scholars who wish to join the TPRM should follow the following guidelines and norms governing the course scrupulously:


There is no course fee but the costs incurred for the Web transmission, Stationary and other amenities must be shared among the participants equally and the amount will be based on the number of scholars enrolled in that batch. The transmission fees is not refundable under any circumstances.


1. The rules, regulations, guidelines of NCRM strictly which are in force or to be amended time to time;

2. Strict discipline inside the campus of NCRM and during class room sessions should be followed;

3. Should be PUNCTUAL and even one minute late for the session or to the venue of discussion etc. will be marked as absent for the whole day session;

4. Satisfy the attendance requirements and understand that course completion certificates will not be issued under any circumstance if the scholar failed to satisfy the attendance requirements;

5. Know that TPRM and NCRM will try to ascertain all the data and information provided through the online course accurate and absolute and still there are possibilities of certain errors for creeping in which may be due to certain uncontrolled situations which can be corrected on coming to the notice of TPRM/NCRM.

6. Understand that the course transmission fees once paid is not refundable under any circumstances

7. Agree that TPRM and NCRM reserve the right to terminate the students found disobedient, disrupting the class room sessions, absentees, indulging in malpractices and like qualities.

8.  Agree to co-operate with TPRM/NCRM if there is any discontinuity/disruption in online session due to technical faults, up gradation of services etc.

9. Wiill not interfere with the proprietary rights of NCRM and patents & other related research information possessed by NCRM;

10. Agree to indemnify NCRM for the losses if any suffered due to improper handling of equipments/instruments/devices etc. which are being offered to me during the course of study;

11. Know that the courses offered are purely academic in nature and will not endeavour to attempt for clinical application or commercialisation of the same which is very much detrimental to the interests of TPRM/NCRM.

First Batch | Second Batch | Third Batch | Fourth Batch | Fifth Batch | Sixth Batch | Seventh Batch |
Eighth Batch
| Ninth Batch
| Tenth Batch | Eleventh Batch | Twelfth Batch| Thirteenth Batch| Fourteenth Batch