The Mary - Yoshio Translational Hexagon (MYTH), the translational division of Nichi-In Centre for Regenerative Medicine (NCRM) has been pursuing several projects on bench to bedside translation of cell based therapies and technology transfers.

In ophthalmology, our focus has been (i) Regenerating the Corneal Epithelium using patients own Limbal Tissue-Derived Stem Cells and (ii) Repairing the damaged Corneal Endothelium using Nanomaterial based transplantation of Corneal Endothelial Precursors.

In Orthopaedics, we have been able to culture human chondrocytes from osteo-arthritis affected knee joint of the elderly into good quality hyaline phenotype expressing chondrocyte tissues. Animal studies on implantation have proven our technology`s efficacy. This techology is termed Enriched with Essentials and Lapped in Scaffold Transplant- suitable Autologous Leveraged Chondrocytes (EELS-TALC)

Autologous buccal mucosal tissue derived cell therapy for male urethral stricture (BEES-HAUS) has been proven to efficacious in a pilot study and now preparations underway towards a multicentric clinical study.

For cancer, we have been working on NK cells and T cells based Autologous Immune Enhancement Therapy (AIET) related technology transfer projects. The AIET has been in clinical practice in Japan since 90s, approved under the Regenerative Medicine Law of PMDA, Japan.

We have been working on the transportation of several cells, tissues using a novel polymer based methodology called OPTRACT

A hybrid biomaterial facility has been established in Tokyo, Japan, to propagate globally the above accomplishments, jointly with GN Corporation and JBM Inc.,