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The Third Fujio Cup Quiz on Stem cells & Regenerative Medicine, held on the 11th of October 2008 as one of the commemorative events of the Third Anniversary of NCRM was big success. Totally 52 teams had got registered and 50 attended the prelim rounds held between 9:00 and 10:00 Hrs.

Almost one third participation from medical, Biotech and Life-sciences institutes.

Six top-scoring teams in the prelims were chosen for the final rounds. The final rounds (13:45~15:45 Hrs)had eight rounds; 5 regular rounds,1 bla bla round and 2 visual rounds.


The winners of the Manipal Institute of Regenerative Medicine team receiving the Fujio Cup and cash prize along with the certificates from the Consul general of Japan H.E Mr Kazuo Minagawa.
Dato Dr. A. Krishnamoorthy, CEO, Nichi-Asia Stem Cells Inc., Malaysia (second from the left) , Dr. Tomoki Aoyama, Frontier Institute, Kyoto University, Japan (Fourth from the left) and Prof. M. Ponnavaikko, Honourable Vice changellor, Bharathidasan University, Trichy (third from the right)

The runners Mr. Aviral Roy and Mr. Sudharsan from Stanley Medical College, Chennai, receiving the certificates.

The winners Raghavan Vallur and Ashish Ranjan from Manipal Institute of Regenerative Medicine

Prelims was attended by 49 teams;
50 MCQ questions: 1 Hr


Dr. Tomoki Aoyama, Frontier Institute, Kyoto University, Japan during the inauguration of the quiz. Dr. Samuel Abraham, Director, Nichi-In Centre for Regenerative Medicine, Chennai, Prof. K.R.S. Sambasiva Rao are seen in the picture

Dr John Sudhakar, the quiz master

NCRM thanks all the participants, their faculty, head of the institutions and peer group, accompanying persons for making this event a grand success.

We thank all those who had given their feedback and we shall implement several of your suggestions in the next years quiz.

Our special thanks are due to the Quiz master, Dr John Sudhakar, for conducting the quiz, Dr. Tomoki Aoyama, Frontier Institute, Kyoto University, Japan for inaugurating it, Prof. K.R. S. Sambasiva Rao for releasing the Cell-e-bration and offering felicitations during the inauguration.


What were the subjects covered?

Basics and essentials of (i) History and development of stem cells / Regenerative Medicine, (ii) Cell biology, (iii) Molecular Biology, (iv) Stem cells preclinical and clinical applications / Cell therapeutics, (v) Immunology, (vi) Cancer biology, (vii) Developmental biology and (viii) Ethics & (ix) Nanotechnology*.

(*New topic added this year)

*"Nichi" stands for Japan and "In" stands for India. This institute started on an Indo-Japan collaboration now has spreaded further with global alliances
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