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1. Corneal Limbal Stem Cells

Aimed at finding cell therapy solutions for corneal surface diseases such as
Persistent Corneal Ulcer, Stevens-Johnson syndrome etc.,
Potential beneficiaries*: 30000 patients per year in India
(Collaborating Instt.: Sankara Nethralaya, Chennai)

2. Hepatic Progenitor Cells

Aimed at finding cell therapy solutions for Acute Liver Failure
Potential beneficiaries: 70,000 patients per year in India
(Collaborating Instt.: Owaisi Hospital, Hyderabad)

3. Corneal Endothelial Precursors

Aimed at finding cell therapy solutions for diseases of the Corneal Endothelium such as Bullous Keratopathy
Potential beneficiaries: 12,000 patients per year in India
(Collaborating Instt.: Joseph Eye Hospital, Tricy, Darshan Eye Care & Rajan Eye Care, Chennai, The Light Eye Hospital, Dharmapuri, Shah Satnamji Hospital, Sirsa, Aditya Jyot Eye Hospital, Mumbai.

4. Retinal Stem Cells / RPE Cells

Aimed at finding cell therapy solutions for diseases of the Retina such as Age Related Macular Degeneration, Retinitis Pigmentosa etc.,
Potential beneficiaries: 60,000 patients per year in India
(collaborating Instt.: Aditya Jyot Eye Hospital, Mumbai)

5. Cell Therapeutics for Cartilage Defects

Aimed at finding cell therapy solutions for Facal Articular Cartilage Defects and Sports Injuries of the Cartilage
Potential beneficiaries" 60,000 patients per year in India
(Collaborating Instt.: SRMC & RI, Chennai)

6. Cancer Stem Cells

Aimed at finding the characters of Cancer Stem Cells to develop targetted therapies for cancer.
Potential beneficiaries: Numerous
(Collaborating Instt.: India Institute of Science, Bangalore)

7. Wound Healing

To find cell therapy based solutions using synthetic scaffolds for burns.
Potential beneficiaries: Numerous
(Collaborating Instt.: Institute of Pathology, ICMR, New Delhi)

8. Human Saphenous Vein Endothelial Cell expansion

To find feasibility of a cell coated intraluminal stent
Potential beneficiaries: Numerous
(Collaborating Instt.: Lancer Medical Technology, Ahmedabad)

9. Buccal mucosal epithelial in-vitro expansion to treat bilateral LSCD

Bilteral Limbal Stem Cell Deficiency (LSCD) is now treated by Japanese ophthalmologists using patients own buccal mucosal epithelial cells
Potential beneficiaries: More than 15,000 per year in India
(Collaborating Instt.: Darshan Eye Care & Rajan Eye Care, Chennai)

10. Cord Blood Stem Cell Expansion

Tousands of Leukemia patients in India require an available cord blood unit expanded for several usages
Potential beneficiaries: Approximately 5000 per year in India
(Collaborating Instt.: Jeevan Public Stem Cell Bank, Chennai)

* Numbers are approximate and indicate the beneficiaries when the concerned research developments convert to a clinical application


*"Nichi" stands for Japan and "In" stands for India. This institute started on an Indo-Japan collaboration now has spreaded further with global alliances
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