NCRM has been working on
Clinically usable stem cells, progenitor cells, precursor cells and
autologous mature cells with regenerative capability. In this regard, the
major areas of focus have been finding out ways and technologies to grow
cells and engineer tissues in the laboratory (i) without animal or
biological protein (ii) with a longer in situ life span upon implantation,
(iii) without causes of concern with regard to teratogenicity or mutation
In the Cell culture and Tissue engineering
arena we have technological collaborations and confidentiality agreements
for with a couple of Japanese institutes both private and public.
In Cancer Biology &
In the
front of Cancer biology Dr Terunuma Hiroshi (formerly with Tokyo Medical &
Dental University, Japan) has been working for more than two decades on
Cancer cells, Cancer biology and the body's immune mechanism against
Cancer as well as ways to tackle the cancer phenomenon using the body's
own immune system.
He has
also pioneered in certain technology and processing methodology by which
cancer killing body's cells such as Natural Killer cells and Anti-Tumor
Lymphocytes could be cultured outside the body, which when reinfused back
to the patient, kill the cancer cells effectively. He has established the
Biotherapy Institute through which they have successfully administered
Autologous Immune Enhancement Therapy (AIET) more than 1000 patients with
very good results. Further in their research, they are also having several
projects in their institute on Cytotoxic T Lymphocytes and Anti-Viral
activity of body's immune system, which when successful would be of much
help to the HIV patients.
In 3D Cell Culture & Tissue
research on the three dimensional cell
culture for Regenerative
Medicine and related issues started in 1988 by Prof. Yuichi Mori of Waseda
University. They started with finding a suitable non-biological substrate
for preserving, isolating and multiplying cells of various nature in the
laboratory. In 1998 they could achieve a break through in their research with the Japanese government’s
support, to arrive at certain technological processes and a totally non-biological Thermogelation polymer called “Mebiol Gel” which is capable of allowing specific cells/ tissues
including even embryonic stem cells to grow in the laboratory as well as
prolong their viability in the body.
In 1998, this was validated by another polymer engineer Dr Hiroshi
Yoshioka. Then institutes in Japan (St Marianna University- Prof. S.
Kubota, Tokyo University- Dr. Hishikawa, Institute of Infectious Diseases-
Dr Suzuki, Jikei University Hospital- Dr Murayama), India (Sankara
nethralaya-Dr HN. Madhavan, Centre For liver research and diagnostics- Dr
CM Habibullah) USA (Harvard Medical School- Dr. Koji Kojima)
joined this research following which we have been successful the
following accomplishments.
In Nanotechnology & Tissue
The nanotechnology in
biology, especially the nano coated surfaces for cell culture, tissue
engineering, nano shell contained drugs and nano particle mixed ionic
vicinity for membrane like as well as 3D growth of cells with easy
separation have a lot of potentials in Regenerative Medicine. NCRM has
been working jointly with a couple of Japanese institutes based on a
Confidentiality agreement to develop such technologies be taken to
clinical application through standardized procedures and protocols over
another 5 to 10 years.
As human cells and tissues behave differently
in vitro that too with different surfaces and adherence properties,
optimization of media, surfaces, substrates have to be combined to create
a suitable condition for each cell or tissue to grow its best without
losing their phenotype and genotype and with parameters acceptable for
clinical application has been a challenge, which we hope could be overcome
to a significant extent in various types of cells using the Nanotechnology
and the hope has been our driving force with this research. |