Stemcell transplantion a new boon for patients
Sunday, February 03, 2008 21:07 [IST]
Coimbatore: With a section of spinal surgeons expressing concern over the claim on the success of stemcell therapy in curing spinal cord injuries, leading surgeons today said it was a new boon for patients in major ailements.
The orthopaedicians and neurosurgeons, who attended a one day seminar stem cell and clinical applications, told reporters here that breakthrough research in using stem cell for spinal cord imaging and ischaemic heart diseases, have made desperate patients happy. There are clinics having such stem cell therapies in the Dominican Republic, Cuba, Russia, Singapore, Bangkok, Germany, which used feotus stem cells, umbilical cord cell, adult stem cells, Dr Samuel JK Abraham, Director, Japan-based Nichi-in Centre for Regenerative Medicine (NCRM), Chennai, said.
There were proven scientific pubications and literature on regenerative capability of mamolian brain was documented in 1969, he claimed, refuting the allegations of a section of surgeons, who contested a recent stemcell therapy for spinal cord injury on a woman, who met with an accident, Dr M Natarajan, Chief Neuro Surgeon of K G Hospital, who performed the surgery claimed. Approach of treatment by an orthopaedic surgeon and neuro surgeon was different, Natarajan said.