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Quiz on stem cell to be held on October 9

First Published : 01 Aug 2010 02:24:45 AM IST
Last Updated : 01 Aug 2010 08:57:06 AM IST

CHENNAI: The much-awaited Fujio Cup Quiz - a quiz competition, exclusively on stem cells and regenerative medicine would be held for the fifth time in the city on October 9.

The quiz is being held in commemoration of the fifth anniversary of the Nichi-In Centre for Regenerative Medicine.

The main objective of the quiz is to motivate young scientists to develop their skills in basic sciences.

Both Under Graduate and Post Graduate students of life sciences, biotechnology, veterinary science, dentistry, medicine courses and clinicians enrolled in any kind of institutes from all over India are eligible to apply for the competition.

The students can present their abstracts for a poster presentation.

The abstracts should be on basic research, translation work and clinical study in stem cells and regenerative medicine.

The deadline for the submission of the abstract will be on August 22 and the authors of the accepted abstracts will be notified by September 15.

For further details for participation and registration for the Fujio Cup Quiz online at http://www.fujiocupquiz.org/fcq2010/index.html.

For the participation of poster sessions and symposium can be done online at http://www.ncrmniche.org.

Contact email address info@ ncrm.org. Contact number: 044-42321 322, 044- 24816743.

- Courtesy New Indian Express, O2 August 2010 issue.
*"Nichi" stands for Japan and "In" stands for India. This institute started on an Indo-Japan collaboration now has spreaded further with global alliances
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