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PRESS RELEASE - 19 Oct 2013

Breast cancer could be tackled with NK cell Immunotherapy

Prolonged survival in combination treatment presented in NCRM NICHE;
Fujio cup on stem cells quiz won by Alagappa Col. Tech., Chennai

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Chennai, Oct 19. Inflammatory breast cancer which has a very poor prognosis could be treated in combination with Autologous Immune Enhancement Therapy (AIET) surgery and chemotherapy and has proven to be safe, yielding one-year remission in a patient of Indian origin, as was presented by Dr Chidambaram, advisor of RUMA Biotherapy centre, Chennai in the VIII anniversary of NCRM.

The AIET uses patients own NK cells and T cells which are multiplied in the same manner as practiced in Japan since late 80s and when administered has been found to be the least toxic among all modalities he added (AIET; www.immunotreatment.org) He also insisted that an early starting of the combination of AIET is very important for better results. Dr. Koji Kono from Yamanashi University and Prof. Masaharu Seno from Okayama University, Japan, presented their work on peptide vaccine for cancer and iPS cells respectively. Short lectures on application of regenerative medicine in ophthalmology and Urology were delivered by Dr Parikumar and Dr Suryaprakash Vaddi.

The national level quiz on stem cells for the ever rotating Fujio Cup Quiz, was conducted for the VIII consecutive time and was won by the Alagappa College of Technology, Chennai. The chief guest of the event, the Consul general of Japan Mr.Masanori Nakano congratulated the winners and lauded NCRM for their research activities and the recent affiliation with the Tamilnadu Dr MGR Medical University for a Two-year post-graduate course in regenerative medicine. Fr.Francis Xavier, Director, Loyola ICAM College of Engineering Technology gave away the certificates of enrollment to the students.



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*"Nichi" stands for Japan and "In" stands for India. This institute started on an Indo-Japan collaboration now has spreaded further with global alliances
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