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PRESS RELEASE - 21 Nov 2019

Opportunities for PhD in Inter-disciplinary research in Japan;

Fujio Cup Quiz Elites & NCRM NICHE delegates to have a priority

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21, November, 2019, Chennai; Nichi-In Centre for Regenerative Medicine (NCRM), jointly with M/s. Hope Foundation (Trust) invites applications for scrutiny from eligible candidates interested in pursuing a Three-year research programme to qualify for a PhD under a proposed collaborative research programme between M/s GN Corporation Co. Ltd., Japan and the Department of Prof. Masaharu Seno, Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering in Health Systems, Okayama University, Japan. http://soran.cc.okayama-u.ac.jp/view?l=en&u=bb7218a0fd9ba9fd74506e4da22f6611

The deadline for application is 28, November 2019, 1200 Hrs GMT. Selected candidates after scrutiny of documents may have to appear in person for an interview in Japan between 10th January - 10th February. The program starts in April 2020 and the research work will be carried out in the Biomaterial lab of M/s JBM Inc, and Cell culture & Tissue engineering lab of Edogawa Evolutionary Lab of Science, Tokyo, under supervision of academic and industry experts in biomedical sciences and healthcare. Full scholarship will be provided to those who are selected in the final interview in Japan. Priority will be given to Fujio Cup Quiz Elites (www.fujiocupquiz.org) and NCRM NICHE alumni (www.ncrmniche.org) as well as scholars who have completed the Training Program in Regenerative Medicine (www.regenmedcanada.com) by the University of Toronto.

*"Nichi" stands for Japan and "In" stands for India. This institute started on an Indo-Japan collaboration now has spreaded further with global alliances
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