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State Level Inter-Collegiate Quiz competition on Stem Cells & Regenerative Medicine by NCRM.

Chennai, 25th July, 2007

     Nichi-In Centre for Regenerative Medicine (NCRM), Chennai, an Indo Japan joint venture institute accomplishing training, research and clinical application-protocol development in cell therapeutics with emphasis on stem cells is organizing a state level quiz competition on Stem cells and regenerative medicine in commemoration of NCRM`s Second anniversary, to be held on Saturday the 27th October 2007 at Chennai. The objectives of the quiz competition is to motivate the Biotech, Biology and Medical students by exposing them to potentials of this field, to evaluate and develop the skills and capabilities of the young and budding scientists and to make more collaborations and exchange between basic scientists and medical personnel. This is the second consecutive year, this anniversary commemorative event being held.


        Both undergraduate and postgraduate students of Medical, Biology and Biotechnology courses enrolled in government and private institutes within the state of Tamilnadu and Union Territory of Pondicherry are eligible to participate. The subjects covered will be basics and essentials of (i) History and development of stem cells / Regenerative Medicine, (ii) Cell biology, (iii) Molecular Biology, (iv) Stem cells preclinical and clinical applications / Cell therapeutics, (v) Immunology, (vi) Cancer biology, (vii) Developmental biology and (viii) Ethics. A preliminary round of written test will be conducted to choose the best SIX teams who will face the final round in which there will be General, Rapid fire and Visual Rounds. Finalists of last years quiz cannot participate but their institutes can be represented with different members.    

The WINNING team of the Quiz will get a cash prize of Rs. 10,000/- and the institute to which the winning team belongs to will be awarded with the Prestigious "Fujio Cup". The 1st Runner-Up team will get Rs. 5000.- cash prize. Finalists will get certificates distributed at the anniversary ceremony (1730-1830 Hrs) The Quiz competition will be followed by a Symposium on regenerative medicine in which experts will present their progress in research and clinical applications in stem cells..

      This year in addition to the above a Cartoon Competition is also held in which registered participants to the Quiz can take part. Last date for receipt of entries is 31st August 2006.
Further details for participants and registration can be done online at http://www.ncrm.in/fcq2007


    The first FCQ was held in October 2006 which attracted 107 teams from all over the state

NCRMs progress in the past two years:

In these two years NCRM has filed Two patent applications. Five presentations in International meetings have been accomplished, including those in ISSCR and ISCT. Several stem cell therapy breakthroughs have been made and all those results will be presented in the symposium on the 27th October 2007. The Research and markets Inc., (www.researchandmarkets.com) has listed Nichi-In Bio Sciences Pvt Ltd, the holding company of NCRM as one among the 107 companies in the world (one among the 2 in India) with potentials for breakthrough in Regenerative Medicine by 2010.  


*"Nichi" stands for Japan and "In" stands for India. This institute started on an Indo-Japan collaboration now has spreaded further with global alliances
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