Jul 2011, Chennai; Fujio Cup Quiz - An Exclusive Quiz competition on Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine for the Sixth consecutive time, will be held on Saturday the 15th October 2011 at Chennai in commemoration of the SIXTH ANNIVERSARY - NCRM NICHE 2011 of Nichi-In Centre for Regenerative Medicine (NCRM), Chennai, an Indo-Japan joint venture institute accomplishing training, research and clinical application-protocol development in cell therapeutics with emphasis on stem cells. The objectives of the quiz competition is to motivate the Under Graduate and Post Graduate Students of Life Sciences, Biotechnology, Veterinary Science, Dentistry & Medicine by exposing them to potentials of this field, to evaluate and develop the skills and capabilities of the young and budding scientists and to make more collaborations and exchange between basic scientists and clinicians. This is the sixth consecutive year, this anniversary commemorative event being held and in the yester years it had a participation of more than 120 institutes from all over India.
Both undergraduate and postgraduate students of Life Sciences, Biotechnology, Veterinary Science, Dentistry & Medicine courses enrolled in government and private institutes are eligible to participate. The subjects covered will be basics and essentials of (i) History and development of stem cells / Regenerative Medicine (ii) Cell biology (iii) Molecular Biology (iv) Stem cells preclinical and clinical applications / Cell therapeutics (v) Immunology (vi) Cancer biology (vii) Developmental biology (viii) Ethics (ix) Nanotechnology (x) Genetics & (xi) CHE-MYSTERY- Bio-Chemical interactions to commemorate this International year of chemistry 2011 (A Special Subject added this year). A preliminary round of written test will be conducted to choose the best SIX teams who will face the final round in which there will be General and Visual Rounds. Any number of teams (comprising of 2 members per team) can participate in the Prelims from each Institute. Among the teams, the first two teams who are top scorers in the prelims from that Institute are only eligible to participate in the finals. The finalists of last year (2006 to 2010) quiz cannot participate, however their institute can be represented by other students.
The WINNING team of the FCQ will get a cash prize of Rs. 20,000/- and the institute to which the winning team belongs to will be awarded with the Prestigious "Fujio Cup". The 1st Runner-Up team will get Rs. 10,000/- cash prize. Finalists will get certificates distributed at the anniversary ceremony (1730-1830 Hrs)
The Quiz competition will be preceded by a Plenary Session in which Dr. Kazutoshi Haraguchi from the Kawamura Institute of Chemical Research, Chiba, Japan, will deliver a lecture on “Nanotechnology, Cell culture and Tissue Engineering" followed by a lecture on “Olfactory Mucosa Transplantation for Spinal Cord Injury” by Dr. Koichi Iwatsuki, Osaka University Hospital, Osaka, Japan after which Prof. Gary Levy, University of Toronto Transplantation Institute, Toronto, ON, Canada will deliver a lecture on "Biomarkers for early detection of post-transplantation rejection" The FCQ will be followed by a Symposium on “Stem Cells & Regenerative Medicine” in which experts will present their progress in Research and Clinical Applications in Stem Cells
Under Graduate, Post Graduate Students of Life Sciences, Biotechnology, Veterinary Science, Dentistry & Medicine, Stem Cell Scientists, Research Scholars and Clinicians can submit their abstract for a poster presentation Abstracts should be on Basic Research, Translational Work and Clinical Study in Stem Cells & Regenerative Medicine. The Deadline for submission of the abstract will be on 29th August and the Authors of the accepted abstract will be notified by 23rd of September.
Further details for participation and registration for the Fujio Cup Quiz can be done online at http://www.fujiocupquiz.org/fcq2011/index.htm and for the participation of Poster Session, Plenary Session and Symposium can be done online at http://www.ncrmniche.org