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PRESS RELEASE - 31 Jul 2012

VII Annual Meet on Stem Cells & Regenerative Medicine

A National level Quiz competition by NCRM for the Fujio Cup
Immune-cell therapy for Cancer is this year's highlight

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Jul 2012, Chennai; In commemoration of the SEVENTH ANNIVERSARY of Chennai based Indo-Japan joint venture institute Nichi-In Centre for Regenerative Medicine (NCRM), an One- day International meeting titled NCRM NICHE 2012 will be held in Chennai on the 13th of October 2012 at Hotel Savera, Chennai.

Autologous Immune Enhancement Therapy for Cancer which uses cancer patients own NK cells and CTLs using which several thousand patients have benefitted will be the highlight of this year’s meeting on which Dr.Hiroshi Terunuma from Japan will deliver the commemorative lecture followed by national and international experts will share their experience of empowering cancer using one’s own immune system. Oncologists and researchers working on immunology and cancer cell biology will be benefitted by this session as immune cell based therapies considered to be the future with great potentials.

The Fujio Cup Quiz on stem cells which has been the star attraction of the NCRM NICHE since 2006 will be held for the 7th consecutive time in which undergraduate and postgraduate students of Life Sciences, Biotechnology, Veterinary Science, Dentistry & Medicine courses enrolled in government and private institutes can participate. The WINNING team of the FCQ will get a cash prize of Rs. 20,000/- and the institute to which the winning team belongs to will be awarded with the Prestigious "Fujio Cup". The 1st Runner-Up team will get Rs. 10,000/- cash prize. Further details on the Fujio Cup Quiz available at http://www.fujiocupquiz.org/fcq2012/index.htm

The registration for the entire event will be open on 01 August and closes 5th September. More details and online registration at: http://www.ncrmniche.org

*"Nichi" stands for Japan and "In" stands for India. This institute started on an Indo-Japan collaboration now has spreaded further with global alliances
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