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Stem cells are available in adult bone marrow and the same is available in the umbilical cord blood. NCRM supports the storage of both for future usage and ours is the first institute to have started adult autologous bone marrow stem cell storage service in partnership with M/S Jeevan Stem Cell Bank in Chennai.

The reason for our partnering with Jeevan Stem Cell Bank lies in their policy of contributing to the society by establishing a public cord blood bank beside a private cord blood bank. The private cord blood bank is the one which provides the cord blood storage service for a fee for certain number of years, wherein the person whose cord blood has been stored could be retrieved and used when necessary. Public cord blood is one which stores cord blood from any health source after performing the HLA typing tests and screening for viruses and genetic problems. The cost of such typing and screening is taken care of by the public cord blood bank. When any one is in need of a cord blood they can approch the public cord blood bank and get an unit if available reimbursing the cost involved fro screening, typing and storage. Since our partnership contributes to the public cause by establishing a public bank by utilising the patronage of the private cord blood clients, NCRM supports this and we recommend this to our visitors.

Another major advantage with this NCRM-Jeevan partnership is that we have been in involved in active research of expanding the stored cord blood stem cells. Therefore we just dont want to be storage companies, rather we also want to provide high-end services of cord blood stem cells expansion and with the experience of NCRM in clinical application this partnership also is emerging as a total stem cell service providing association.

*"Nichi" stands for Japan and "In" stands for India. This institute started on an Indo-Japan collaboration now has spreaded further with global alliances
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