IP Rights
I. A method for cultivating cells derived from corneal limbal tissue. Patent No.239350. Granted by The Patent Office, Government of India. Granted Date: 16th of March, 2010. (Patent applied by NCRM; later transfered to M/s. GN Corporation Co. Ltd. & M/s. JBM Inc., Japan)
This patent of NCRM jointly with Vision Research Foundation, Sankara Nethralaya has been awarded for the technology to cultivate cells derived from corneal limbal tissue without using any animal feeder layers. The corneal limbal stem cells in vitro cultured using this methodology has been already transplanted to rabbits successfully. When clinically translated, this technology will be a great hope for patients suffering from corneal ulcers due to trauma, chemical injury, burns etc. for whom at the moment the only definitive treatment is corneal transplantation, which however is marred by global donor cornea shortage
II. Corneal endothelial precursor cell transplantation methodology employing a Nanocomposite gel sheet. Patent No.5863089. Granted by the Japan Patent Office. Granted Date: 8th of January, 2016. Patent No.325106. Granted by The Patent Office, Government of India. Granted Date: 15th of November, 2019 (Patent applied by NCRM; later transfered to M/s.GN Corporation Co. Ltd. & M/s. JBM Inc., Japan)
This patent has been awarded by the Japan Patent Office for the Corneal endothelial precursor cell transplantation methodology employing a Nanocomposite gel sheet, developed by Nichi-in Centre for Regenerative Medicine and their Japanese collaborators. This technology will be a boon to several thousands of patients with corneal endothelial diseases for whom there is no definitive treatment available for regenerating the lost or damaged corneal endothelial cells, except to do a corneal transplantation either fully or partially, which again is marred by the shortage of donor-corneas. Using this technology, corneal endothelial precursors obtained from one donor cornea after in vitro expansion can be used to treat more than one diseased eye, in line with the "An eye for eyes" mission of NCRM.
III. A novel method of cryopreservation of various types of cells Patent No: JPO 6373241; Granted by the Japan Patent Office (JPO). Granted Date: 27th of July, 2018. (Patent applied by NCRM; later transfered to M/s. GN Corporation Co. Ltd.& M/s. JBM Inc., Japan)
This patent has been awarded by the Japan Patent Office for cryopreservation of different kinds of cells and tissues employing a novel polymer technology developed by Nichi-in Centre for Regenerative Medicine and their Japanese collaborators.
IV. Enhancement of cells and increased NO production in microgravity; PCT applied by NCRM; Rights transfered to M/s. GN Corporation Co. Ltd.& M/s. JBM Inc., Japan - Countrywise application pending in the US
V. A novel hydrogel encapsulated buccal mucosal cell therapy solution - PCT applied by NCRM and later transferred to M/s GN Corporation Co.Ltd.& M/s. JBM Inc., Japan for individual country wise application for propagation of this technology globally