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PRESS RELEASE - 28 September 2009

International Stem Cell meet in Chennai
Eminent scientists from Japan to deliver talks on Adult Stem Cells & iPS
Quiz on Stem Cells & Symposium to commemorate 4th Anniversary of NCRM

Chennai, Sep 28. An International meeting on stem cells will be held in Chennai on the 24th October 2009 in commemoration of the fourth anniversary of Nichi-In Centre for Regenerative Medicine (NCRM)

World renowned stem cell scientist Dr. Yukio Nakamura, Director of Riken Bio-resources Centre, Tsukuba, Japan whose centre possesses the world’s second largest cell line bank including that for ES cells and iPS, will talk on “Creation of cell lines and future development potentials of induced pluripotent stem cells” Dr. Ryuji Hata, Ehime University, Matsuyama, Japan will deliver talk on Inner ear hair cell damage which will lead to sensory neural hearing loss, which he has proven to be  preventable in animal models using hematopoietic stem cells(HSC). Dr. Shripad Banavali, Head, Dept of Medical Oncology, Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai will speak on the need for research on HSCs and potential clinical application in India. The evening session will witness a symposium in which scientists from ICMR, Sankara Nethralaya, TANUVAS and other collaborating institutes will present their work.

The Fujio cup quiz on stem cells & regenerative medicine is held for the fourth time this year in which medical & biotech students from all over the country are participating. The valedictory session will be graced by the Consul General of Japan at Chennai, Mr. Kazuo Minagawa who will distribute prizes to winner of the quiz.

The registration for the programme is available online at http://www.fujiocupquiz.org/ps2009/index.htm until the 3rd October 2009.

NCRM is an Indo-Japan joint venture institute started in Sep 2005, has been working on stem cells, progenitor cells and adult cells with regenerative capability in specialties viz., Ophthalmology, Orthopedics, Hepatology, Neurology, Oncology etc. It is also the first in the country to have started Autologous Immune Enhancement Therapy for cancer.

Related news in the media: Dinakaran | Times of India | Chennai Online | The Hindu-TamilNadu | The Hindu |
New Indian Express | News Today

*"Nichi" stands for Japan and "In" stands for India. This institute started on an Indo-Japan collaboration now has spreaded further with global alliances
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